At St. George’s, our aim is to provide a safe, caring and friendly community environment so that our pupils can learn effectively, improve their life chances and maximise their life potential.
We believe that any form of bullying is unacceptable and it will not be tolerated. We understand that it can happen in school and that if it does happen; our school has an ethos of speaking out. As a result we treat bullying very seriously and all staff and pupils know and understand our anti-bullying policy and procedures.
If a child is being bullied, our pupils know that they must tell someone they trust and our staff know that it must be dealt with promptly and effectively.
What is Bullying?
The anti-bullying alliance define bullying as, “the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.”
There are four key elements:
- Hurtful
- Repetition
- Power imbalance
- Intentional
Bullying can be:
Physical, Verbal, Emotional, Sexual, Online/Cyber, Indirect, Racist and Homophobic (see the leaflet below).
For more information about Bullying, click on the link below:
Our School Anti-Bullying Leaflet