Our motto ‘Nurture, Learn, Succeed’; and our Christian values of forgiveness, courage, compassion, thankfulness, trust, truthfulness are at the heart of our curriculum.

At St George’s our ambitious curriculum not only encompasses the formal requirements of the National Curriculum but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom ,to ensure that our children are exposed to rich and varied learning opportunities.
We have high aspirations for all our learners and our curriculum design opens children’s eyes to the world beyond their locality. The careful design of our curriculum, which is consciously language – rich, is crafted to meet the individual needs of our children, enabling them to acquire the knowledge and transferable skills they need to become successful life long learners.
Our core aims ensure our curriculum is tailored to meet our specific school community.
Our aims:
- A curriculum that is rich in language opportunities with carefully crafted experiences woven through the curriculum to narrow the word gap and expose children to vocabulary that will both allow them to communicate effectively with a range of different people and allow them to express their thinking and ideas in a range of contexts.
- Provide exposure to experiences which allow children to give meaning to their learning and have dreams for their future.
- To provide a stable, consistent environment in which children can develop respect, self-esteem and an ability to value themselves and others whilst developing their own moral values, giving them the skills to make a positive contribution to the world.
- To ensure children achieve their full potential and are ready for their next step in their learning journey.
In pursuit of these aims we will endeavour:
- to encourage parents to be active partners in their children’s education
- to develop lively, enquiring minds with the language skills to question, reason and argue rationally and appropriately.
- to instil a desire to learn by matching learning carefully to the needs of our pupils
- to foster self-reliance and motivation but to know how, when and who to ask for help
- to provide a safe and stimulating working environment, knowing how to keep themselves safe
- To ensure restorative practise contributes effectively to building a self-regulating, self-motivated individual
- to encourage children to act creatively and with imagination
- to develop an understanding of the past which will help them to live successfully in the present, and to plan intelligently for the future
- to develop the ability to work collaboratively
- to ensure each and every one of our pupils understands and embraces modern British values.
Pupils are provided with a curriculum which focuses on and addresses barriers which need to be overcome in order to allow children to make connections within their learning and build on their understanding. Learning sequences are designed in order to be memorable and give the children the opportunity to use what they know to build and develop new skills. Discovery rationales allow for a curriculum that is constructed with high expectations.; teachers have an accurate and robust understanding of the needs of their individual cohorts including gaps in experience, data trends and specific language to develop.
Learning extends beyond the school day with a wide range of clubs and opportunities being offered each term; visits and visitors play a part in each theme giving children the opportunities to explore different environments and meet inspiring and knowledgeable people. We encourage families to be part of learning, offering them opportunities to participate in family projects and attend our inspire workshops. We strive to ensure pupils are proud and positive members of their local community and understand they are part of a wider global community.
Using the idea of footsteps, children will learn about their place in the world; the physical imprints we’re leaving on the environment; the impact of choices that were made in the past and how we can impact the world for the future (within our own communities and beyond).
Our curriculum is forever evolving, making refinements and incorporating the needs and curiosity of our children.

If you would like to know more about the curriculum, please talk to a class teacher or do not hesitate the school office on office@stgprimary.org
Further information about the National Curriculum can be found on the Government website by clicking here.