
The principle aim of PHSE at St George’s is to weave and thread the elements of spiritual, moral, cultural and social development throughout daily classroom practice and for it to be modelled by all adults in the school community.  

Children are expected to behave well and staff, parents and pupils are expected to work together to build mutual respect in the school and the community. Through this we can trust each other and support the children in establishing a sense of responsibility. 

Research Links

“The effectiveness and impact of the provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development is evaluated as part of the judgement of overall effectiveness.” OFSTED

“ Young people need more than just an academic education – they need support in understanding, developing the skills for and experiencing the world of work and for that to happen we need to take seriously the PHSCE education.” J Allan, National chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses.  


In September 2020, the DfE introduced a new Relationships Education for Primary Schools.

We use this document as the basis for our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) lessons.

We aim to support all of our pupils so that they can feel happy, healthy and safe; with mental health and wellbeing as the central focus to all that we do.

PSHE lessons also aim to equip our children for adult life. Not only to understand the changes that will happen to them as they grow older; but to encourage them to make positive life decisions and contributions to society as they mature.

PSHE Road Map