Our school takes part in statutory national testing (SATs) at the end of each key stage (End of Year 2 and End of Year 6).
During May the children will sit a statutory test for Reading, Maths and Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG).
Our aim at St George’s is to prepare children for the test but ensure that when the assessments are undertaken, it is in a calm, familiar, and relaxed setting. Our children know that giving it their best is all we ask!
Writing is assessed by school and verified through moderation across schools and is also confirmed through an external moderator from the Local Authority.
Meetings with parents and carers are arranged closer to the time of the assessments in which we will walk through what it will look like for your child and what the requirements are.
Should you have any concerns or queries that arise before these meetings then, as always, please don’t hesitate to speak to us.
KS2 SATS Dates
The SATs take place over four days, starting on Tuesday 9th May ending on Friday 12th May. Monday 8th May is a bank holiday this year.
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 1: GPS) – Tuesday 9th May
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 2: Spelling) – Tuesday 9th May
Reading – Wednesday 10th May
Maths (paper 1: Arithmetic) – Thursday 11th May
Maths (paper 2: Reasoning) – Thursday 11th May
Maths (paper 3: Reasoning) – Friday 12th May
Supporting Documentation
Please click on the link here to see the information for parents regarding the KS2 (Year 6) SATS.
Year 6 Easter Revision
Please use the following booklets to support your child over the Easter Holidays by completing 10 minutes of each booklet a day:
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Booklet
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Answers
Maths- Egg-pected (Age Expected) Booklet