Welcome To Year 2!
Welcome to our Year 2 class. The teachers in Year 2 is Mr Carrette, Miss Steward and Mrs Grant. We love working together to make sure our class is a place we all want to be and that we can learn in a happy, safe environment.
We love to have a bright, welcoming classroom that is both functional and inviting for all where we can learn together in a relaxed and calm environment.
Our learning themes change each term, which are set by the Black Pear Trust, and they allow us to build on our previous knowledge and make links across the different subjects to offer an enhanced learning experience. To compliment this learning, we try and organise trips for the children or arrange for special guests to come to our school.
Through our topic sessions we become experts of that field, activating and developing knowledge to become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artists and writers. We then use our knowledge across all subjects which helps to link the learning so we can use it in our daily lives.
This is me: September starts with a closer look at who we are and where we live. Where is Kidderminster in relation to the rest of the world and how can we use maps to locate things or look more closely at the surrounding areas. We are also using the book Silly Billy to help us understand how we are all different. There will also be a big push on acceptable learning behaviours.
My place, my time: We will explore The Great Fire of London looking at the events that took place through History. We will explore the event from the 17th Century, explore the buildings as well as look fire safety.
Around the World:
Parent Planner – Around the World
Those who came before us: We will be going back in time to find out about Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell.
Maths: In Maths, we learn through using concrete and pictorial resources to learn a formal method for each of the four operations. In Maths, we get even better at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. We learn about fractions, telling the time, properties of shape, length and so much more! We always try our best and, as Max our motivational monkey says; ‘Mistakes are marvellous!’ We know that by finding out where we went wrong, we can develop our understanding even more.
English: For English, we use high quality texts. In this we cover the four different genres to writing each term, which are writing to: inform, explain, entertain and persuade. As well as books, we can use images and video clips as a stimulus for our writing. We build on our skills across the year to encourage children to become the best writers that they can be ensuring that they understand that the new skill they learn is not forgotten about the next time they come to write a piece of work but built upon and included in their current work time and time again.
We love to write and, from our class texts, we will use our imaginations to write stories, letters and diaries. Through our writing we can share all of our fantastic ideas- there are limits to what you can write about! We will become super neat as well as developing our spelling and learning grammar skills and writing techniques that make our work just that little bit extra special.
We love being fit and active and have two dedicated PE lessons every week which highlight the importance to stay fit and healthy. Our PE day is a Thursday and Friday. In Year 2, we develop our abilities across a varied curriculum, exampled include Dance, Multi-sport and Gymnastics.
Picture inserted
We are great at Phonics in Year 2. By knowing our sounds and being able to blend them, we can read more and more fluently and then go on all of the adventures stories take you on when you settle down to read them.
Growth mind set is important to us in Year 6 and at our school. We believe that it is our attitudes and resilience that helps us to be great and that with hard work and determination we can achieve our goals. In every class we have Max, our motivational monkey who supports us with our growth mindset.
We risked it all and asked Year 2 to give us a reference, to tell you what we’re really like…Here is what they said about us…
‘I like doing my writing. When I do my best, I might get a raffle ticket’
‘I like going on the computers because it is really fun’
‘I love being with my friends’
‘Year 2 is fun because we get to do fun art’