Welcome to our Year Three class. We are lucky to have two teachers and they are: Mrs Tidmarsh and Mrs Stewart with Mrs Ashbourne as the Teaching Assistant.
We have a welcoming and inviting classroom, a safe and happy place, where we can all learn together as a team.
Not only do we always follow our school rules and visible consistencies, in year three the children decided on five extra special golden rules, which they feel they wanted to have within their classroom contract that they created together.

Our Curriculum
As a Trust, we have a number of learning themes, which change each term. Each theme allows us to build on our previous knowledge and makes links across the curriculum, enhancing our learning experience. To further develop this, we aim to plan an educational visit each term to support and consolidate the learning.
Through our topic sessions we become experts of that field, activating and developing knowledge to become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artists and writers. We then use our knowledge across all subjects which helps to link the learning so we can use it in our daily lives.
This is Me: We are launching into September with the topic focusing on us; our identity feelings and place in the world. We will be using the text, ‘Can I Build Another Me’, to support us with this in English.
My Place, My Time: We will be looking into the Stone Age and how the basic needs of humans have changed and evolved through the Bronze Age and into the Iron Age. The change from humans being nomadic hunter/ gatherers and changing to look a bit more like we do today staying in one place and farming the land, growing crops and domesticating animals for food. We will also look at settlements and why people live where they do.
Around the world: With the focus on Geography, we will be looking at rivers (including the Nile) and coastal locations.
Parent Planner – Around the World
Those who came before us: A historical focus- jumping back in time to Ancient Egypt. We look at timelines to see where the Ancient Egyptions fit as well as all of the interesting things that they did such as embalming people after death and their beliefs in different Gods as well as the afterlife. We look at the building of the pyramids as well as discoveries made by famous historians such as Howard Carter.
Maths: In Maths, we will learn through the use of concrete and pictorial resources. We will learn a fomal method for each of the four operations. We build on our knowledge from Key Stage One for other areas such as fractions, measurement, shape and statistics. Through problem solving and answering varied fluency questions, we will begin to develop our reasoning skills and start to understand why we get the answers that we do.
In Year Three, we will focus on learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables as well revisiting the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
English: Our English lessons are based on high quality texts and across the year we will cover different genres and writing purpose such as: writing to inform, to explain, to entertain and to persuade.
We will build on our skills throughout the year to enable the children to become the best writers that they can be making sure that the new skill they learn is not forgotten about and by providing plenty of opportunities for application. Our grammar focus will be on how to create and use expanded noun phrases, punctuating direct speech, prepositions, possessive apostrophes and common homophones including their, there and they’re for example.
In RE, we will begin by looking at the Creation Story before moving on to explore the religion, beliefs and festivals within the faiths of Islam and Judaism.
We know how important is to be fit and active and stay healthy. PE takes place every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. This term we are learning the skills that enable us to play football including how to keep the ball under control and different passes which we can use to enhance the play. Over the year we will also a focus on Dance, Handball, Swimming, Outdoor Adventurous Games , Gymnastics, Volleyball, Athletics and Cricket.
In Reading, we will learn how to identify and apply our Comprehension X Expert Tips. The skills within the expert tips will enable us to answer questions about our focus texts and we will be able to ‘Search for Clues’, ‘Predict’, ‘Make Connections’, ‘Summarise’ and use vocabulary to gain a better understanding.

One main area of focus will be inference, where we use our expert tips to identify evidence from the text and then use that to record our answers using full sentences.
We all love to read in Year Three and enjoy our daily DEAR (Drop everything and read) time together.
As a school, we encourage our children to read daily for at least ten minutes to inspire a love of learning.
Our focus authors this year are: Anne Fine, Dick-King Smith and Malorie Blackman.
Our Classroom:
Growth Mindset:
Developing a ‘Growth Mindset’ is a priority at St George’s and will be an important element for us to develop in our classroom. Moving from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two is known to be quite a big jump with many children finding that jump quite a challenge. Together, we will use ‘Max, our Motivation Monkey’ and the ‘Power of yet to support us with the development of our growth mindset with the children always remembering that mistakes are marvellous and just the beginning of the learning journey.
Working together, learning from one another and supporting each other will truly encourage our team to succeed.