Welcome To Year 5!

Welcome to our Year 5 class, our class teacher is Miss Edwards, we are also supported by the super duo Mrs Wilcox and Miss Moraity. We’re excited for all the learning we will be approaching this year and are excited to grow on our journey into KS2.
In Year 5 our themes are This is Me, My Place My Time, Around the World, STEM and Those who came before us.
This theme allows us to be engrossed within an exciting and broad curriculum whilst supporting our important school values.
Through our topic sessions we become experts of that field, activating and developing knowledge to become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artists and writers. We then use our knowledge across all subjects which helps to link the learning so we can use it in our daily lives.
This is me: We are launching into September with the topic focusing us; our identify, feelings and place in the World. We will also be looking at effective learning behaviours.
My place, my time: We will be focusing on Art, Geography and History. In Art, we explore the artist L.S Lowry and his focus on painting scenes of life in the industrial districts of North West England in the mid-20th century. In History, we explore Roman Britain including the impact they have had on our lives today. In Geography, we use our sticky knowledge of human and physical geography to understand the difference between weather and climate.
Around the world: We will be focusing on natural disasters, including how they happen and the impact they have around the world. We will also delve into the life of Gary Hoang and use his artwork as inspiration to create our own collages using a range of different media.
Parent Planner – Around the World
Those who came before us: A historical focus. Jumping back in time to the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will learn about the battle between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings for the control of Britain. We will understand how life in Britain changed from their homes to food and daily life.
Maths: In Maths, we get to learn through the ‘I DO, WE DO, YOU DO’ model, which is a sequence consistently used throughout the school, providing the correct balance between teacher models and independent practise to scaffold independence and confidence to tackle the year 5 curriculum. We use ‘counting and fluency’ snap sessions to revisit Year 4 knowledge which can be applied to our learning for progression. Concrete resources and visual representations are readily available to be used in all of our maths lessons, providing the children with the opportunity to approach mathematical problems which can then be applied in an abstract matter.
English: For English we use high quality texts. In this we learn how to write for a range of purposes including: to persuade, to entertain, to explain and to inform. We use high quality narrative drivers or visual stimulus as a hook alongside WAGOLL’s and basic/better models to support the children with their writing, ensuring they are being exposed to a range of opportunities to apply the important Year 5 writing features.
We love being fit and active. We take part in the daily mile and have two dedicated PE lessons every week, which are currently Monday and Wednesday.
Our teacher’s love books in Year 5 and we support the children to develop an interest and love for reading. Every day we teach discrete reading lessons and throughout the week we provide opportunities for individual DEAR time and whole class reads.
Some of our favourite books are:
War Horse by Michael Morpurgo,
Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Artichoke Hearts by Sita Brahmachari.
In reading we will learn how to extract key information from a range of exciting fiction and non-fiction texts. Each lesson, we use a range of ‘expert tips’ to help us answer comprehension-based questions and ‘step into the shoes’ of the character’s we meet through hot seating. Here are the expert tips we use: