Welcome To Year 6!
Welcome To Year 6!
We’re excited about this school year and have the chance to have different roles and responsibilities as we now the oldest in the school.
In year 6, learning is layered through developing a range of skills including questioning, exploring, experimenting, reasoning, explaining and reflecting. Through our topic sessions we become experts of that field, activating and developing skills to become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artists and writers. We then use our skills across all subjects which helps to link the learning so we can use it in our daily lives.
Our Main Themes for the year are:
This is me: We are launching into September with the topic focusing us; our identify, feelings and place in the world through the book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. We will also be looking at effective learning behaviours.
My place, my time: We will be developing our knowledge of King John and discuss the question ‘Was he a good king? We will be learning about different biomes around the world and recap our map reading skills.
Around the World: A Geographical focus where we are recapping our key locational knowledge around the world; identifying the key human and physical features of different biomes from around the world; and, also, looking how the climate has changed in these biomes over time alongside the effects of tourism and deforestation.
Parent Planner – Around the World
STEM: During this term we will also be exploring our STEM project where the children tackle problems using Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Our key focus will be electricity.
Those who came before us: We will be going back in time to World War II. We will be finding out about the impact that this period of time has on us today; we will look at how the war started, the Battle of Britain, D-Day, the Home Guard and much much more!
In Maths, we get to learn through concrete resources, which we can use to support and show our understanding. We also use pictures and visual representations to help move between concrete models to pictorial examples. Once we demonstrate our understanding we are then able to apply this new understanding to use more abstract, written methods to show our answer. Through this approach children are able to layer their knowledge and demonstrate a deeper and more secure understanding. We love to use the ‘I DO’ ‘WE DO’ ‘YOU DO’ approach when learning which enables the children to gain confidence as they move through the sequence of a lesson- reducing the scaffolding to be more independent. We also believe our times tables facts are the key to unlocking our learning! Securing written methods are also incredibly important in Year 6.
For English we use high quality texts and the boxed-up model. In this, the children are supported through repetition and build on knowledge as we journey through our learning sequences. We use a high quality narrative or visual stimulus alongside a comprehensive WAGOLL; these support the children’s’ progression through their learning. We find this structure helpful and we love the books we get to explore.

PE Days
Our PE days are currently on a Tuesday and a Wednesday – please ensure that the children have the correct PE kit for those days including extra socks to change into.
Please click on the Parent Planners (across) for our current topic!